How to Clean Old, Expensive Carpet
Keep your old, expensive carpet clean in between visits from the professionals. Doing so can help maintain the life of your carpet. Did you know 2,000 dust mites can live in just one ounce of carpet dust? Carpet fibers can hold allergens and even termites! Regular carpet cleaning aids in maintaining a healthy indoor environment and the lifespan of your carpet.
Get in touch with CT’s Best Carpet Cleaner for the best carpet cleaning tips.
Know Your Carpet
When it comes to best carpet cleaning practices, knowing the ins and outs of your carpet is essential. A few things to consider are the carpets make, material and usage.
The make of the carpet considers whether it is for indoor or outdoor use. Outdoor carpets tend to be made of sturdier materials, requiring less effort to clean. Indoor carpets need a little more tender love and care.
A carpet can consist of materials like nylon, polyester, polypropylene, acrylic, or olefin. Natural materials include wool and sisal. The material will determine the carpet’s appearance, durability, and resistance to stains.
The usage will also determine the best carpet cleaner needs. Does your home have pets? Is the carpet in a high-traffic area? High-traffic areas require more frequent maintenance to prolong their lifespan.
Carpet Cleaning Hacks Used by Pros
-Vacuum! Your carpet acts as a filter in your home. Trapping more dirt, dust, and bacteria than even a furnace! Vacuuming should occur at least once a week or twice a week if the area is high traffic. To ensure what you are vacuuming stays inside the vacuum, CT’s Best Carpet Cleaning Bristol recommends using a HEPA bag or well-sealed HEPA bagless vacuum.
-Bring your vacuuming to the next level by using baking soda. Baking soda is an inexpensive cleaner that is super absorbent and antimicrobial. Sprinkle baking soda and allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes (longer for dirty or smelly carpets). Run the vacuum over the treated area once or twice to remove the baking soda.
-Remove trapped dirt using a carpet brush. Lint rollers can also be helpful on long hair carpets to pick up what a vacuum may miss.
-Avoid over-the-counter carpet cleaners; they only mask stains and push them to the bottom of the carpet, causing them to reappear in a few days. CT’s Best Carpet Cleaner suggests using one part peroxide to ten parts hot water to dab the stain. Place a towel on top of the stain, and a heavy book on top of the towel so the stain transfers to the towel.
Seeking Professional help
Due to the knowledge and experience of professionals, it is essential to seek out professional carpet cleaning to help maintain the life of your carpet. No matter the do-it-yourself, nothing compares to the high temperatures and powerful extraction offered by machines used by the best carpet cleaners.
Have a carpet with a warranty? CT’s Best Carpet Cleaner wants you to know what is in the fine print of that warranty. Carpet warranties often state a professional steam clean should occur at least once a year. Ensure a scotch guard protectant is also applied to keep the warranty valid!
Have worn out carpet? CT’s Best Carpet Cleaning Bristol uses a C.R.B (counter-rotating brush) to help bring new life back into worn-out carpets. The C.R.B combs every carpet fiber to get what’s trapped below the surface that a regular vacuum can’t pick up, including human and pet hair!
How Will CT’s Best Carpet Cleaning Help?
CT’s Best Carpet Cleaner offers high-quality carpet cleaning at affordable prices, specializing in carpets, tiles, upholstery, and rugs! To extend the life of your carpet and maintain a cleaner indoor environment, they recommended cleaning carpets in a low-traffic area once every six months, and carpets in homes with kids and pets every 90 days.
CT’s Best Carpet Cleaning in Bristol, Conn., offers leading technology and years of expertise in carpet cleaning to continually provide customers with outstanding results and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
There is no room too big or stain too stubborn for CT’s Best Carpet Cleaning in Bristol. Call today for a free and accurate quote with no obligation. 860-609-2662
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